Category Archives: Resources
Website thumbnail using API
Just recently, I have developed a page cast module for to show users profile’s thumbnail image on the fly. Before doing that I have googling and found couple of good solutions: and etc. is the best solution in between those though it’s depend on windows hosting. You can have a…
Document management using jQuery
Just added a prototype site of to manage document using Ruby on Rails: Gems Uses jQuery-File-Upload CarrierWave Fog Twitter Bootstrap Haml Simple Form Rspec factory_girl Click here to contribute/checkout.
Google weather API not working
Recently google has shutdown their weather API silently which breaks one of my clients first page application name I think many developers and users were (and still are) outraged, but at least they have some time to breathe as because iGoogle isn’t going away until November 1, 2013. So, there are still one year…
Rails application deployment using shell script
I have used following shell script to deploy one of my Ruby on Rails applications: DATES=`date +%Y%m%d%H%I%S`service apache2 stop &&mysqldump -u[user] -p[pass] [yourdbname] > “your backup directory”[yourdbname]_${DATES}.sqlgit pull &&bundle install –path [your bundle path] &&bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production &&mv [your application’s production log file] [your application’s production log backup path]/production_${DATES}.log &&touch [your application’s production…
How to resize Facebook UI dialog
Once, I had to re-size the facebook UI dialog while working on friends invitation widget for The widget was loaded under a popup which was wrapped up by an iframe as well. In this case it was not showing properly, the widget was not accommodate in that popup. That’s why had to re-size the…
How to use mutliple ruby version on windows
I have found a nice ruby version manager for windows named pik. It’s pretty easy to install and manage multiple ruby versions. First install the pik gem: gem install pik After installing the pik, you have to use pik_install script to install the pik executable. You must install pik in a different directory other than…
Form validation using jQuery
I have written a simple form validation script using jQuery for one of my projects though it have improvement opportunity. Anyone can use it easily by following four simple steps below: STEP 1: Add jQuery plugin to your application STEP 2: Copy following codes in to a JavaScript file and add the file after jQuery…
Import contacts from Address Book
For one of my PHP project, I have written a class to import contacts from Gmail and Hotmail address book and at the same time search in web for others email provider such as Gmail, Hotmail etc. to save my time. Then I found an excellent open source plugins to import contacts (address book) named…
Ruby on Rails Plugins and uses
Plugins is type of programming scripts by which either you can extend existing functionality or add new feature in your application. Plugins generally have well-defined boundary to their possible set of actions. There are many reason to use plug-ins, some of the main reasons are: To reuse the code/functionality so that developer can avoid to…
Most useful tutorials to develop web application using Ruby on Rails
Some of my friends asked me how he/she can develop web application using Ruby on Rails. So I have written following two articles about web development using Ruby on Rails: Developing Web Application using Ruby on Rails How can I create sample application using Ruby on Rails? Also, I am sharing some tutorials that I…